var jt_.Trace = { src: jt2_.js

jt_.Trace.msg("jt_.FlingScroll.a=" + jt_.FlingScroll.a);
jt_.Trace.xml(jt_AjaxVuPg.req, "XML returned:");
description: Displays a stream of trace messages, most recent first, generated by calls to its two main methods: 'msg()' and 'xml()'. Default is disabled, so method calls will be ignored unless '?trace=1' is used on the page url or 'jt_Trace.on()' is called.

The 'xml()' method displays the 'req.responseText' with some filtering to make the XML readable (requires 'jt_HTML').

55 lines of code, 2.24 KB
main methods:
msg: function(txt)
xml: function(req, lbl) // 'req' is 'XMLHttpRequest'
on: function()
off: function()
clr: function()
